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Version: 1.2.0 - Production

Order Search



This is used to search the order history. This can also be used to get a list of all the orders for a given period that match the given criteria.

Security type is required when there is no security account number.

If a symbol contains a backslash ( \ ) character, it needs to be replaced by %5C. (Ex.BOND\23H18\87.0 is replaced by BOND%5C23H18%5C87.0 ).

If a symbol contains a backtick (`) character, it needs to be replaced by %60. (Ex.510`TB is replaced by 510%60TB ).

When this end point is accessed via a server token and if orders should be retrieved only for a customer, customerNumber should be passed mandatorily.


Query Parameters

    customerNumber string
    cashAccountNumber string
    accountNumber string

    Security account number

    exchange string
    symbol string
    orderId string
    orderStatus string

    Find list of status here

    orderSide string
    sTime stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss

    eTime string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss

    pageNo number

    Default value: 1

    pageWidth number

    Default value: 100

    securityType string

    Possible values: [CS, OPT, BND, FND]

    CS(Equity), OPT(Option), BND(Fixed Income), FND(Mutual Fund)

    timeFilter string

    Possible values: [createdDate, lastUpdatedDate]

    investmentId string

Header Parameters

    Throttle-Key string



    status stringrequired
    reason string
    rejectCode integer
    isNextPageAvailable boolean
    pageNo integer

    Default value: 1

    pageWidth integer

    Default value: 100

    totalNoOfRecords integer
    list object[]
  • Array [
  • orderNumber string
    externalOrderId string

    Fintech order id

    orderId string
    investmentId string
    originalOrderId string
    orderReferenceId string
    orderQty number
    orderType string
    orderSide string
    orderStatus string
    orderValue number

    The total value of an order, calculated as price * quantity. It updates dynamically based on the quantity executed, reflecting the current executed value of the order.

    commission number
    accountNumber string
    currency string
    symbol string
    text string

    appears only in rejected orders

    tif integer
    transactionTime string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss

    orderRejectReason string
    rejectReason stringdeprecated
    exchange string
    createdDate string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss

    averagePrice number
    marketCode string
    settleCurrency string
    cumulativeQty number
    cumulativeOrderValue number
    cumulativeOrderNetValue number
    cumulativeCommission number
    cumulativeOrderNetSettle number
    cumulativeVatAmount number
    cumulativeStampDutyAmount number
    lastUpdatedDate string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss

    clientOrderId stringdeprecated
    amount number
    initalNav number
    isPartialRedemption number
    blockedAmount number
    executedNav number
    netSettle number
    units number
    netValue number
    issueSettleRate number
    requestType number
    grossAmount number
    filledQty number
    vat number
    lastPrice number

    Last executed price of the order.

    stopPrice number

    only applicable for Trailing stop orders. only support in ASIA region for equity and option orders.

    trailType string

    Possible values: [TYPE:%, TYPE:$]

    only applicable for Trailing stop orders. only support in ASIA region for equity.

    trailByValue number

    only applicable for Trailing stop orders. only support in ASIA region for equity.

    trailStpEstPrice number

    only applicable for Trailing stop orders. only support in ASIA region for equity.

    price number

    the price which the order was placed

  • ]
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