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Version: 1.2.0 - Production

Get Cash Account



This is used to request information to manage the customers cash account.


Query Parameters

    cashAccountNumber stringrequired

    Cash account number of the cash account which wants to get the details.

    Example: C000131463

Header Parameters

    Throttle-Key string



    status string
    reason string
    rejectCode integer

    Find error codes here

    cashAccount object
    cashAccountNumber string
    currency string
    balance number
    blockedAmount number
    odLimit string
    margin string
    createdDate string
    status string
    pendingSettle integer
    pendingWithdraw string
    pendingDeposit string
    unsettledTransfers integer
    marginDue integer
    dayMarginDue integer
    marginBlock integer
    dayMarginBlock integer
    secondaryTradingLimit integer
    dailyOdLimit integer
    dailyOdLimitEnabled integer
    cashAvailableForWithdraw number
    buyingPower number
    securityAccounts object[]
  • Array [
  • type string
    secApprovalStatus integer
    accountNumber string
    securityAccountType integer
    status string
    statusId string
    accountName string
    currency string
    exchangeAccounts object[]
  • Array [
  • exchange string
    exchangeAccountNumber integer
    exchangeAccountId integer
    exchangeAccountType string
    status string
    tradingEnabled integer
    custodian string
    feedLevel integer
  • ]
  • ]
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