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Version: 1.2.0 - Production

Get Positions



This is used to get detailed information about the customer positions currently held under the given account.


Query Parameters

    accountNumber stringrequired

    Security account number

    Example: P000128310

Header Parameters

    Throttle-Key string



    status stringrequired

    Possible values: [SUCCESS, FAILED]

    reason string
    rejectCode integer

    Find error codes here

    positions object[]
  • Array [
  • accountNumber string

    The security account number

    exchange string
    symbol string
    quantity number

    This is only for equity, option, fund and spot orders

    averageCost number

    This is only for equity,option,spot and fund orders

    averagePrice number

    This is only for equity, option, bond and spot orders

    pendingSell number
    pendingBuy number
    currency string
    availableQuantity number

    This is only for equity, option and spot orders

    symbolDesc string

    This is only for equity, option and spot orders

    lotSize integer

    lotSizeThis is only for equity, option and spot orders

    holdingType integer

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    1 - Long, 2 - Short (This is only for equity, option and spot orders)

    manualHoldingBlock number

    This is only for equity, option and spot orders

    netHolding number

    This is only for equity, option and spot orders

    amount number

    This is only for bond and fund orders

    startDate string

    This is only for bond and fund orders

    costValue number

    This is only for fund orders

    investmentId string

    This is only for fund orders

    redeemAmount number

    This is only for fund orders

    fullyRedeem number

    This is only for fund orders

    accruedInterest number

    This is only for bond orders

    isin string

    This is only for bond orders

    collectedCoupons number

    This is only for bond orders

    totalCost number

    This is only for bond orders

  • ]
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