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Version: 1.2.0 - Production

Get Market Trading Hours



This service is used to get the market trading hours related data


Query Parameters

    lang string

    Example: EN

    required-fields string[]

    Provide the fields which need to be received in the response. If required-fields not provided, all fields will be received in the response.


    last-update-time string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyyMMddHHmmss

    Date should be in yyyyMMddHHmmss format and this will apply a 'greater than or equal' filter

    response-type string

    Possible values: [json, csv, xml]

    Default value: json

    The response format for example json, csv or xml. The default is json.

    rows int32

    Default value: 10

    Number of records per page in the response.

    page int32

    Default value: 0

    The index of the page requested.

    time int64

    Send any value to receive disabled cache responses

    Example: 123

    filter string[]

    This can be use to apply custom complex queries. NOTE: Filter parameter values containing backslashes('') should be encoded.(ex: Encode TICKER_ID:ACN\26M16\290.0 as TICKER_ID:ACN%5C26M16%5C290.0)

    Example: TICKER_ID:AAPL

    sort-field string

    Default value: LAST_UPDATED_ON

    Response will be sorted depending on this field.

    sort-asc boolean

    Default value: false

    Should the response be sorted in ascending order.

    query-params string

Header Parameters

    Throttle-Key string



    response object
    numFound integer
    start integer
    docs object[]
  • Array [
  • maxLastUpdatedTime string
    KEY string
    ID string
    LAST_UPDATED_ON string
    _COMPONENT_TIME string
    _BATCH_ID string
    MS_EXCHANGE string
    EXCHANGE string
    SECURITY_TYPE string
    TIMEZONE string
    OPEN_TIME string
    CLOSE_TIME string
    START_DATE string
    END_DATE string
  • ]
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