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Version: 1.1.1

Get Order Details



This is used to get the details of an individual order. This will give all the details about the order as well as the list of executions that took place on that order.

orderId or orderReferenceId or (externalOrderId and securityType) is required.


Query Parameters

    orderId string
    orderReferenceId string
    externalOrderId string
    securityType string



    status stringrequired
    reason string
    rejectCode integer

    Find error codes here

    orderNumber string
    externalOrderId string

    Fintech order id

    only present in the response of the original buy/sell orders and is not included in responses for modified orders. Supports only equity type.

    orderId string
    originalOrderId string
    exchange string
    symbol string
    accountNumber string

    Security account number

    orderSide string

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    1 (Buy) | 2 (Sell)

    orderType string

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    1 (Market order) | 2 (Limit order)

    orderStatus string

    Find list of status here

    averagePrice number
    orderQty number
    filledQty numberdeprecated
    orderValue number
    commission number
    vat number
    date string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss

    rejectReason string
    executionIds string
    lastPrice number
    executionList object[]
  • Array [
  • executionId string
    lastPrice number
    filledQty number
    cumulativeQty number
    commission number
    orderStatus string
    updatedDateTime string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss

  • ]
  • cumulativeQty number

    filled quantity

    cumulativeOrderValue number

    filled order value

    cumulativeOrderNetValue number

    filled net value (order value + commission + vat + order fees + etc.)

    cumulativeCommission number

    filled order commission

    cumulativeOrderNetSettle number

    filled order net settle (net value * issue settle rate)

    issue settle rate ; exchnage currency to cash account currency rate

    cumulativeVatAmount number
    cumulativeStampDutyAmount number
    tif number
    orderReferenceId string
    currency string

    This is only for Fixed Income orders.

    settleCurrency string
    lastUpdatedDate string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss

    This is only for fixed income orders.

    accruedInterest number

    This field comes with fixed income

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