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Version: 1.1.0

Order Status

0QueuedOrder is accepted and sits in the order book, waiting for the execution. Order is active.
1Partially FilledOrder is partially filled, and rest is waiting for the execution. Order is active.
2FilledOrder is fully executed. Order is done.
3Done For DayNot applicable for the single orders. Applicable for multileg orders or desk type orders this status confirm there will be no further update during the day.
4CancelledOrder cancellation request has been approved. Order is not active.
5ReplacedOrder amendment request has been approved. Order is active.
6Pending CancelCancelation request has been acknowledging by the exchange/broker but confirmation pending.
7StoppedOrder is at stopped status. Not applicable for most of the exchanges. Order is not active.
8RejectedOrder has been rejected. Order is not active.
9SuspendedOrder has been suspended. Not applicable for most of the exchanges. Order is not active.
aApprovedOrder has been approved. Applicable for manual orders.
cWaiting for ApprovalOrder is waiting for manual approval. Applicable for manual orders.
fInvalidated by ChangeThis is the original order. User has requested an amendment and it has been approved. Hence original order status has been updated to invalidated by change. Order is not active.
hExpired by ExchangeOrder has been reversed by the exchange due to compliance or any concern. Order is not active.
mInvalidated by CancelThis is the original order. User has requested a cancellation and it has been approved. Hence original order status has been updated to invalidated by cancel. Order is not active.
APending NewOrder has reached the broker/exchange but waiting for acceptance or rejection. This is mostly applicable for per-open, lunchbreak or pre-close timings.
CExpiredOrder has been expired after reaching its validity. Order is not active. Example: TIF: Day order expired at EOD.
EPending ReplaceOrder amendment has reached the broker/exchange but waiting for acceptance or rejection. This is mostly applicable for per-open, lunchbreak or pre-close timings.
KOMS ReceivedOrder was received to GTN.
MSend to ExchangeOrder has been sent to broker/exchange and waiting for acknowledgement. Order is active.
OOMS AcceptedMarket is closed. Order has been accepted by the GTN system to push it at pre-open session.
PSend to CancelA cancellation request has been sent to broker/exchange and waiting for the acknowledgement. Order is active.
QSend to AmendAn amendment request has been sent to broker/exchange and waiting for the acknowledgement. Order is active.
&Pending CancelApplicable for GTC, GTD orders. Order cancellation has reached GTN but market is close.
$Pending AmendApplicable for GTC, GTD orders. Order amendment has reached GTN but market is close.

State Diagram - order creation


State Diagram - order amendment


State Diagram - order cancelation


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