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Version: 1.1.0

Get Top Gainers & Losers



Get top stocks data

"Top stocks data" generally refers to information about the best-performing or most popular stocks in the financial markets. This data can include various metrics and indicators that investors use to evaluate the performance of stocks.

Top Stock TypeReference
Top gainers by percentage change1
Top loosers by percentage change3
Most active by volume4
Most active by value6

NOTE: Above mentioned top stock types are available. Others are deprecated.


Query Parameters

    source-id stringrequired

    The source Id of the exchange you want to request top stocks. It will also be used for authorization. Only a single source ID can be given per request.

    response-type string

    Possible values: [json, csv, xml]

    Default value: json

    The response format.

    rows integer

    Possible values: <= 1000

    Default value: 10

    Number of records per page in the response.

    page string

    Default value: 0

    The index of the page requested.

    filter string

    Filter the response further using queries in solr query syntax. Always TOP_STOCK_TYPE should be given. Single or multiple TOP_STOCK_TYPES can be given. Recommended - TOP_STOCK_TYPE:(1 3 4 6)

    sort-field string

    The field on which the response should be sorted of. Any field can be given.

    sort-asc string

    Possible values: [true, false]

    Default value: true

    Whether to sort in ascending order or descending order.



    response object
    numFound integer
    start integer
    docs object[]
  • Array [
  • KEY string

    Exchange, top stock type and the sub market code separated by ~

    ID string

    Exchange, top stock type and the sub market code separated by ~

    TOP_STOCK_TYPE string

    Type of the top stock

    SUB_MARKET_CODE string

    Sub market id of the exchange

    SOURCE_ID string

    Exchange code

    LANGUAGE_ID string
    TOP_STOCK_DATA object[]
  • Array [
  • SYMBOL string

    Symbole code

    DECIMAL_PLACES integer

    Maximum number of decimal places for numeric feilds


    Asset class code

    DCF integer

    Decimal correction factor

    TRADE_PRICE string

    Traded price of the symbol

    VOLUME string

    Total volume traded for the day

    NET_CHANGE string

    Net change of the stock (Trade price - Previous closed)


    Percentage change of the net change

    TURNOVER string

    Total value traded for the day

  • ]
  • ]
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