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Version: 1.0.0

Guided Tour

Welcome to Guided-Tour

Step 1 - Configure Institution

GTN will create an institution for each FinTech at the GTN side. And GTN will share institution code, app key, app secret which is configured for FinTech's institution.

FinTech needs to share their base 16 encoded RSA public key with GTN. So, the following fields need to share between GTN and each Fintech.

  1. base 16 encoded RSA public of FinTech
  2. institution code for the FinTech
  3. app key
  4. app secret

Step 2 - Authentication

Step 2.1

GTN authenticates the API requests using a JWT token. There are two types of access tokens:

1. Server Access Token

A server access token is used to communicate between the backend server and the GTN server.

2.Customer Access Token

A client application can use the customer access token to communicate directly with the GTN Open APIs. In this architecture the end client application will always connect directly to GTN servers for trading and obtaining market data.

Step 2.2

FinTech can decide which token to use based on their architecture.

The market data APIs only support customer tokens as per exchange regulatory requirements. If a Fintech requires market data as a B2B feed service such can be provided. Please contact GTN account manager for further information.

GTN authenticates the API requests using a JWT token. There are two types of access tokens:

Step 3 - Customer Onboarding

Step 3.1

Customer onboarding

This can be done using customer creation or customer registration.

1. Customer registration endpoint

This end point can be used if KYC is done through AT (Admin Terminal).

2.Customer creation endpoint

This endpoint can be used to create customer accounts at GTN side without sharing the customer details with GTN.

Step 3.2

Customer creation

This creates sub-customers for the institution based on institution configuration. FinTech can decide whether a customer profile or subscription package to use when creating customers.

Customer profile : is similar to a blueprint of customer accounts. If this is enabled at the institution-level all the customer accounts will be created according to that customer profile.

Subscription package : enables to define the set of exchanges to which the exchange/ trading accounts should be created for a customer to trade. Exchange accounts will be created for all the exchanges defined in the subscription package and the cash accounts will be created according to the respective exchange default currency.

Step 4 - Account Management

Can manage several account types such as

  • customer account
  • cash account
  • security/portfolio account
  • exchange account
  • customer bank account.

Step 5 - Market Data

Get Market Data

Users can select a source from the above endpoint and call the below endpoint with that selected source to get the supported list of symbols/tickers.

The user can then select a symbol/ticker of his choice and get details of that specific symbol/ticker.

After selecting the interested symbols by following the above steps, the user can either use the streaming API for real-time price updates.

Step 6 - Trade Management

APIs to manage Trades.

  • create order
  • amend order
  • cancel order

APIs to get commission or VAT

  • get commission
  • get VAT

APIs to retrieve trade details.

  • order search
  • get order details
  • get open positions

Step 7 - Trade Streaming

This creates web socket with clients. Using this clients can get order/trade updates.

Step 8 - Market Data Streaming

This creates a web socket with clients(B2C). This will give the following data.

Message TypeDescription
qCurrent status of a particular symbol including details such as the last traded price, the total volume traded and turnover. 
tWhen a trade occurs for a particular symbol, details related to that trade such as price and quantity are sent under this message type. 
eA summary of a particular exchange including details such as total volume, turnover, and market status (open/close) can be checked from this message type. 
pThis shows the order book including the buy and sell orders that have been placed at different prices for a given symbol (The levels of the order book include orders placed at different prices combining orders if there are multiple orders at the same price) 
oThis also shows the order book as above (The levels of the order book include each order separately, don't combine orders with the same price)
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