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· 3 min read
Mahesh Pathirana

Introduced New APIs Change

Version 1.1.1 to Version 1.2.0

Changes to existing APIs

path changes

Endpoints paths have been changed as followings,

Place Order
Newly added parameters to the request"amount": 0,
"instrumentType": "string",
"investmentId": "string",
"isPartialRedemption": 0
Cancel Order
Newly added parameters to the request"orderReferenceId": "string"
Get Commission and Vat
Newly added parameters to the request"amount": 0,
"instrumentType": "string"
Get Order Details
Newly added parameters to the request"externalOrderId": "string",
"securityType": "string"
Newly added fields to the response"amount": 0,
"blockedAmount": 0,
"executedNav": 0,
"expiryDate": "string",
"grossAmount": 0,
"initialNav": 0,
"investmentId": "string",
"isPartialRedemption": 0,
"issueSettleRate": 0,
"marketCode": "string",
"netSettle": 0,
"netValue": 0,
"requestType": 0,
"units": 0,
Within "executionList"
"amount": 0,
Changed fields in response"date": "string" -> "createdDate": "string",
Order Search
Newly added parameters to request"securityType": "string",
"timeFilter": "string",
"investmentId": "string"
Changed parameters in request"lastUpdatedTime": "string" -> "lastUpdatedDate": "string"
Newly added fields to response"amount": 0,
"blockedAmount": 0,
"executedNav": 0,
"filledQty": 0,
"initialNav": 0,
"investmentId": "string",
"isPartialRedemption": 0,
"issueSettleRate": 0,
"lastPrice": 0,
"netSettle": 0,
"netValue": 0,
"requestType": 0,
"requestType - copy": 0,
"units": 0,
"vat": 0
Removed fields in response"orderRejectReason": "string",
"originalOrderReferenceId": "string",
"price": 0
Get Open Orders
Newly added parameters to request"pageNo": "number"
"pageWidth": "number"
"securityType": "string"
"investmentId": "string"
Newly added fields to response"isNextPageAvailable": true,
"pageNo": 0,
"pageWidth": 0,
"totalNoOfRecords": 0
Within "list":
"blockedAmount": 0,
"currency": "string",
"executedNav": 0,
"externalOrderId": "string",
"filledQty": 0,
"grossAmount": 0,
"initialNav": 0,
"investmentId": "string",
"isPartialRedemption": 0,
"issueSettleRate": 0,
"lastPrice": 0,
"lastUpdatedDate": "string",
"marketCode": "string",
"netSettle": 0,
"netValue": 0,
"requestType": 0,
"settleCurrency": "string",
"tif": 0,
"units": 0,
"vat": 0
Removed fields in response"openOrders": [] -> "list":[]
"quantity": 0 -> "orderQty": 0,
"rejectReason": "string" -> "orderRejectReason": "string"
Get Positions
Newly added fields to responseWithin "positions":
"accruedInterest": 0,
"amount": 0,
"collectedCoupons": 0,
"costValue": 0,
"fullyRedeem": 0,
"investmentId": "string",
"isin": "string",
"redeemAmount": 0,
"startDate": "string",
"totalCost": 0
Get Holding Statement
Changed parameters in request"accountType": 0 -> "securityType": "CS"
Newly added fields to responseWithin symbol "list":
"totalAmount": 0,
Within transactions "list":
"amount": 0